Electricfly - MyElectricfly.com

Electric Vehicle Conversion Manual Links

EV's really are The Next Big Thing...'
The Following sources of information don't require you to wait to get your structured settlements from an insurance company, cancel your car insurance on your Gas powered car, or declare bankruptcy to be able to afford them. Neither do they require you to take out an equity loan or line of credit on your house, get a banker to give you a debt consolodation loan, or even a run to the local pay day loan source, as they are all quite inexpensive.

They will, however, require you to perform the lost art of reading a printed book in most cases, but I hear that can be quicker and easier than reading a PC Screen, so - Enjoy which ever one you choose.

Conversion Manuals

Electric Vehicle Society of Canada, Conversion Manual
The EVS Manual was concieved as a workshop guide for High Schools.

EV Album: "So You Want to Build an Electric Car"
This is a list of answers to questions about building an electric car, including listings of other books and manuals available.

Other Helpful Items:

UPM Marketing
Manufacturers of the EM100 electronic energy meter.

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